Miscreants Matter Too: Say His Name
Sadly, our sacred institutions have been taken hostage by an opportunistic adversarial legal system that seeks only to blame, threatened and damage in order to win.
Why Not Me?
It is time to examine the “junk” values that have polarized, categorized and cancelled us. Let’s accept the facts that we are all imperfectly human and humanly imperfect.
Canine Co-Dependency
Would she socialize? Was she a loner and introvert like me? They said we could watch her on the puppy cam if we were concerned.
Institutional Enablers
Most of us who live with or work with addicts and addicted families are familiar with Institutions as Enablers.
The Reconciliation of Science and Spirit
The blessing of being an addict is the discovery that you suffer from a spiritual malady, demanding a spiritual solution.
Democracy Suicide
How can the party in power applaud the very things they railed against when the other party was in power?
You Don’t Have to be an Addict to be in Recovery
Who am I? Why am I here? Do I have a unique identity? Do I define it or is it defined by my conditioning and the expectations of my family and culture? What is the purpose of my life? How do I find meaning in the face of adversity and mortality?